When I was a teenager, I used to not get out of my room unless I was going out. Were your teenage years the same?

The thing is, even though I grew out of that phase, I didn’t grow out of making the most out of my bedroom.

It’s the most used room!

After a tiring day of work, you are sure to end up in your bedroom to get some much-needed sleep. Or you might also be working from home, mostly in your bedroom.

Either way, it is very important to make your bedroom as lively as possible. You can get home decor or houseplants to do the job.

Or satisfying bedroom gadgets!

Today, I’ll be sharing with you some of the best and most satisfying bedroom gadgets money can buy.

Levitating Air Bonsai Pot

Levitating Air Bonsai Pot

Remember how I talked about houseplants? Well, this is a completely new look added to the boring old plants in your bedroom.

It levitates!

The levitating air bonsai pot can really add a modern and technological touch to your bedroom. It’s light, it’s attractive, and most importantly, it’s unique!

It takes both of the elements of a houseplant and home decor and combines them into one satisfying bedroom gadget.

How marvelous!

The design of this pot is very elegant and aesthetically pleasing to the eyes. No matter from which angle you look at it!

And the manufacturers use a durable and tough material to make this pot, which is actually high-quality resin.

So it’ll last long!

This pot works because of the sensors and magnet coils hooked at the bottom of the pot to rotate it in midair.

But you might face one issue with this amazing technology. When there’s no power, the pot won’t operate.

BedJet 3 Climate Comfort for Beds

BedJet 3 Climate Comfort for Beds

Don’t you hate it when you like to cool off when you sleep, but your partner likes it warm, or vice versa?

No matter what temperature you set on your thermostat, one or the other will end up suffering at the end of the day.

There’s a solution!

You can end the suffering with the BedJet 3 Climate Comfort for Beds, and you can just make one side of your bed cool and the other heated up.

Modern technology has gone so far as to take care of our specific needs that you can actually do both at the same time.

How great is that?

And if you don’t want the two sides of your bed to have different temperatures, you can just set the gadget to cool or heat up your bed.

It works with any bed! And you don’t even have to struggle to set it up under your bed. It is just so compact!

Sweat while sleeping?

No need to worry anymore because the BedJet 3 will help control your seating by managing the humidity.

It’s not only quiet, but it also works with Bluetooth wirelessly!

MODIRNATION Levitating Lamp with Wireless Charger

MODIRNATION Levitating Lamp with Wireless Charger

If you loved the levitating air bonsai pot, you would love to add more on to that aesthetic by getting the MODIRNATION Levitating Lamp with Wireless Charger.

It’s a levitating bulb!

The use of magnetic levitation is not what this satisfying bedroom gadget is limited to. In fact, you can wirelessly charge your phone on it too!

A bedside lamp is good and all, but you can save more space on your bedside table by charging your phone right on the lamp.

And it features a fall-proof design with touch control. What more can you need?


The satisfying bedroom gadgets that I talked about today are the great ones, in my opinion. Of course, there are other innovative technologies out there that you can get your hands at. But I think these ones are the best.